Wearable Hats

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Kapiti Island

Our trip to Kapiti Island
    It’s Friday morning. The whole class is bursting with excitement. “Class get into your group’s now.” said Mrs Atkinson.
     It was a long drive to get there. When we finally got there, everyone was jumping up and down hoping to get on the first boat.
     When the boat started, going it was a bumpy/splashy ride but eventually we got there. As soon as we took a step on Kapiti Island, we felt like we were walking on the moon. (Well not quite.)
     The first thing saw was the whaling pot, and soon after the weka came dawdling out of the bush. Then the kaka flew in and took the weka’s spotlight.
     The track up the hill was hard going and very steep but we got there in the end. When we got to the top, we felt like we had just climbed Mount Everest. The view was amazing; it was funny when four uninvited wekas joined us for lunch.
     The track down was far easier than the trip up. In addition, even some of us saw a kakariki.
    When we got back to the mainland we saw a dead shark. (Gross.)

By Mathilde and Maia

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Term 2 Week 3
Room 14 are having a great term so far. We started our cross country practices on Monday and were well prepared with sport's clothes. Everyone worked hard on the fitness circuit in weeks 1 and 2 in readiness for our walk to the top of Kapiti Island this Friday. The forecast looks pretty good at the moment for the trip. Room 15 unfortunately missed out on Monday but have been able to reschedule for next week. Remember to listen to Newstalk ZB for postponements and be at school at 8:20am ready to go on Friday.
Don't forget to look at our fabulous art work.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Term 2 2010

Welcome back to Term 2. We have had some changes in R14. Two members have left the class, one to Melbourne, Australia and one to Napier and we welcome a new member to the class.
Our main unit for this term is on Kapiti Island. This will include looking at the history of the island, how it has changed and a visit to this great place on Friday 7 May. Let's hope we have great weather on this day. On the trip we plan to see as much of the bird life as we can and later each class member will research a native bird. If we are lucky we may have a kaka land on us.
We are building up our fitness ready for the walk to the top of Kapiti Island but also ready for the school cross country. We will start cross country runs next week.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Wearable arts show.

It's Tuesday evening and we’re getting ready for the evening game - wearable arts.
We are all very excited because we are only allowedd to use newspaper, cellotape and scissors. First of all we got in groups of 4, then we got given a card that said what we had to make.
You had to choose your model designers and announcer. When everyone was ready we announced our models.
The beautiful Francine was a ballerina, Joshina was a hot bikini model, Alex was a tough sumo wrestler, Taylor was a Pacific Island dancer, Joean was a bride. He threw the bouquet out in the air. Lewis was a funny clown, Jury was an alien from out of space (we think he came to steal Joean on her big day) and then Ariki’s dad came out as miss Paekakiriki the beauty contest winner, but the winner was…… the beautiful Francine, the hot ballerina. But the most laughs went to Joshina, the hot bikini model.
After that the teacher had a talk about all the laughs that were happening in the different cabins. When we went to the cabin Francine’s dress was perfect but when we came out her dress was ruined!
It was such a fun game and we want to do it next year.

By Maia and Taylor.
Tent pitching!

“Ok people get into groups of four. Two boys and two girls.”
“What are we doing?”
“We are going to do tent pitching!”
“YAY!” On the second day at camp room 14 did tent pitching!
First we got out our tent we had to find a decent spot that had no sticks, stones and it had to have flat ground. First we pulled the tent out of the case. Next we had to unroll the tent and lie the tent out flat. Before putting up the tent we had to make sure all the right equipment was there. And guess what all the equipment was there! YAY!!!
Now we finally got to put up the tent. “What hard work that was. Do we get to go inside?”
“Yes you do.”
 “WOO HOO!” After five minutes we had to put down the tent because it was too windy and it was starting to spit. “QUICK HURRY GET YOUR TENT DOWN NOW!!!BEFOR IT IS TOO LATE!!!
Putting down the tent took longer then putting up the tent because there was wild winds blowing the tents around everywhere.
It was fun but we were hoping we got to stay in them for longer but that is how life goes. Tent pitching was the BOMB!!!
Hope you enjoyed our story that we wrote about tent pitching at our camp 2010.

By Amber & Alannah 
Stream Study

     Monday 15 March Room 14 went to camp. During the first day we went to the Wainui stream and did stream study.
      There were many activities like: Mrs Atkinson was doing erosion and stream cover, Kathryn was measuring water temperature, Trudi and Jack were measuring the clarity of the water, Tim and Frank were showing water smell and colour, Ange and Athena were looking at algae and Russell and Jemuel were studying the little critters in the water.
    Each activity was different. The stream cover and erosion result was good because the stream had a few trees and no sign erosion. On Kathryn’s station people measured the temperature in two different areas. In the shallow area the temperature was 21 Celsius the deep bit was 18 Celsius. With Jack and Trudi people looked through a tube at a black piece of plastic through the water as it moved away. The person would say when the black piece got blurry and the amount of CM it had moved was the result.The next station was with Tim and Frank. They put water on a tray and we looked at it and smelt it to find out its colour and smell. The water had a faint smell and was slighty murky.
    Next, there was algae searching with Athena and Ange. We got microscopes and looked at the algae, there was a fair amount but not too much. Last there was critter search with Jemaul and Russell where after watering down sticks the group would search for little creatures like mayflies and stoneflies.
    We all had heaps of fun.

By Thomas and Evan

On a sunny Tuesday morning at Queen Elizabeth Park it was time for orienteering at 9:00 am. It was time to go to the orienteering course. It was about a 3 minute walk.
When we got there we sat down on the grass and waited for our names of who was in our groups.
The first group was Mathilde and Maia. Then the race was on! My group was William, Francis and Bronson. Joe’s group was Joe, Evan and Jury. The last group was Ariki and Daniel.
We had to run around with a sheet of paper that we got at the start and clip the sheet when we found the flag.
Lewis, Nathan and Harry came first, Amber and Alex came 2nd and Bronson, William and Francis came 3rd.